One Event –
many possibilities!
You are looking for business partners, young talents or investors? The digital platform of ruhrSUMMIT gives you many opportunities to get in touch with the right people to realize your intentions.
The EXPO and pitches have always been THE go-to place at ruhrSUMMIT to expand your own network. Here we introduce you to two more networking opportunities. Great people and inspiring conversations are waiting for you - be open minded!
The EXPO and pitches have always been THE go-to place at ruhrSUMMIT to expand your own network. Here we introduce you to two more networking opportunities. Great people and inspiring conversations are waiting for you - be open minded!

Match Making Area
In this section of our platform you can find all participants of the event and search for suitable contacts with the help of various filter options! Meet in video chats to exchange ideas, conduct job interviews or introduce yourself to investors.
The first impression counts! Therefore we recommend that you fill your profile on the platform with sufficient and meaningful information early.
ruhrSUMMIT Roulette
The main principle of our new ruhrSUMMIT Roulette is simple: All ruhrSUMMIT participants can gather online in the networking section and start a conversation with new contacts by chance. An exciting moment that brings together 2 unknown participants.

„Ich bin zum wiederholten Male sehr beeindruckt von der Vielfalt der Akteure, von der Größe der Veranstaltung, von der Dynamik, von dem Aufbruch, den man hier stellvertretend für das ganze Ruhrgebiet spürt …“
Christoph Büth (Leiter Eigenkapitalfinanzierung, NRW.BANK – Premium Partner #RS2019)
„Die Stärken des RuhrSummits sind ganz klar im Bereich B2B […]. Von daher ist das auch die Stärke der Region, dass wir hier mit etablierter Wirtschaft und Start-ups zusammenarbeiten.“
Dirk Opalka (CEO, Initiativkreis Ruhr, Hauptsponsor #RS2019)